
Restaurant Evaluation

Reastaurant "Red Pepper"
Accesibility 5/5
Speed 5/5
Attractive appearance 4/5
Manner 5/5
Clean 4/5
Taste 5/5
My overall evaluation would be 9.5/10
I would like to go again.

Restaurant Review

For my restaurant review, I went to a restaurant called "Red Pepper" near Ometesando station. It takes only about a minute from the station so the access is very convenient. I found this restaurant on the internet famous for its lasagna and since its very close from the campus, I decided to write about this restaurant.
 This is the appearance of the restaurent. It looks very stylish and classic.
This is the insie of the restaurant. There are twenty seats in toatal so its not a very big space. When I  came here, the seats were full and I was the only guy!
I ordered a lasagna lunch set that said it was the most popular thing here for luch. It includes appetizers (picture above), lasagna, coffee, and a dessert. The starter tasted awesome. the soup was made from cauliflower. It was my first time to taste a cauliflower soup.
 This is the lasagna which is this restaurant famous for. When the dish arrived, the lasagna was bubbling with heat passing out the smell of cheese. It seemed very small but it made me full.
Finally, I had coffeeand dessert. These were great too.
This is it for my restaurant review. I really want to reccomend this restaurant to Aoyama students because it is very close. I think it is also worth lining up for this dish. The whole lunch set costed 1500 yen. It includes everything on the picture and it made me full so I say it was reasonable. Also, one glass of alchohol was available for free for people who ordered a lunch set. I think this makes it cheap. In addition, when I was lining up outside to enter the restaurant, one of the staffs brought me a heater to keep me warm. What a nice service!