
Food Culture Quiz

Today I wil be posting about a quiz I took, which asks about food.
My score was...
...40 percent, when the average was 70 percent. This absolutely told me how I am ignorant about food culture.
While taking the quiz I had two points that surprised me alot.

Firstly, it was a question that asked what "chipotle" was. I thought it was a type of a burrito because I had been eating Mexican wraps like tacos and burritos at a restaurant called "Chipotle" in America. However, chipotle was a type of pepper.

Secondly, the question was asking what was NOT technically a berry. the four choices were banana, strawberry, blueberry, and watermellon. I thought it was obvious that strawberries and bluberries were technically berries because they actually have a name including "berry". I chose wattermellon but it was wrong. The answer was strawberry. According to the explanation, strawberries are accessory fruits, not botanical berries.

Like these two points, I learned new information about many kinds of foods throughout the quiz. It was a very interesting quiz!


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