

Nice to meet you all. I`m Takahide and I will be writing  few posts.

For my first post, I am going to introduce my food related book. The title of the book is "Toxic oil" written by David Gillespie. The fancy look of the cover, the title, and the sentece written on the back of the book, "Everything you believe about fat is wrong" motivated me to decide on this book.
This book introduces several types of oil and criticize them as toxic. We thought (atleast I did) was good for us such as polynsaturated oil is bad. Vegetable oil which isnt made from vegetables. The author gives latest evidence and shows how oil affects our health.

Thats it for my first post. Thank you for checking it out!

6 件のコメント:

  1. Your book looks so interesting!
    I'm looking forward to your posts ;P

  2. I think there are many unknown things about oil. So I want to learn them from your blog. I am also looking forward to your posts(^^)♪

  3. Sounds interesting!
    Looking forward to your posys :)

  4. The cover of the book looks like interesting. I love french fries and it used oil. But, I will not eat it after you posted the contents related to toxic oil.

  5. Looks interesting! Please post what vegetable oil is made from.

  6. Its so sneaky how its called vegetable oil when its really something else!
    I am really interested in healthy/non healthy oil as well as organic oil...? Does your book mention anything about organic oil?
